

10 Jul 2020

Expansion of our agricultural project to include a palm oil plantation thanks to the UNO support programme

PIREDD, part of the “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation” project, a UN supported program, saw the potential the potential of our agricultural project with an area of 40 hectares of land. Through this support program, the "Agro-Veterinary School ITAV ADH Mabala" was sponsored 1100 palm nuts, which will grow into seedlings and be planted on 7 hectares of our property. Our teachers and students will have to take care of this palm oil plantation, planting, watering etc. Agronom and school director Philemon started a little nursery with his helpers for growing the seedlings. The proceeds from the sale of the products belong to the school and should help to support it in the future.

 In order to significantly improve the future prospects of the children (and thus also of their families!) ADH made the facilitation of a proper education and formation of children its goal!

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