
06 Jui 2021

Current status of Madlen's school building project next to the Kimbondo orphanage

Madlen is making great progress in her school building project adjacent to the Kimbondo Children’s Home on the outskirts of Kinshasa. With the help of her friends, she has now completed the big school building and dorms for the young orphans in her care. She asked us to contact our friends in Kinshasa, to help her with the school desks and benches she still needs.

  Le plus grand obstacle à la scolarisation des enfants est parfois la grande pauvreté des parents. Ils ont si peu d'argent qu'ils ne peuvent souvent pas payer les frais de scolarité. C’est la raison pour laquelle notre école de Mushapo est gratuite.

Notre objectif - assurer l'éducation


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