
Summer trip to Germany Featured
22 Sep 2022

Summer trip to Germany

It was the first time since the Covid-19 crisis that Wolfgang was able to take a trip, mainly in Bavaria, to visit some of our supporters. As usual, he also called the ones he could not see. During this trip, he was able to give three interviews about our work in the Congo and his book “Change the World with Love”: Munich TV| Radio ERF Plus | RadioChico Switzerland | Lenka was able to give a lengthy interview with the magazine • Český Bratr (Czech Brother)

  Notre projet est un énorme encouragement pour les gens de Mushapo et les villages environnants, car une bonne éducation est le gage d’un meilleur avenir pour leurs enfants.

314 élèves, 4 villages, 10 salles de classe, 10 enseignants


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