
16 Déc 2021

New building with two more classrooms and staff room

After building a well for drinking water for our school by the middle of this year, the parents of our students initiated and supported the making of 10,000 bricks for another school building. In 2018, our school started out with three classrooms each for grade 7 and 8. Each year, we added new grades, and this school year we needed 2 more classrooms for the agricultural and veterinarian section of grade 11. Besides the bricks, we needed wood and corrugated metal sheets for the roof, windows, doors and cement for the protection of the walls against rain as well as for the floors and outside patios. ADH contributed the needed finances to purchase these items and paid the workers. The work went well and now everybody is very thankful for the two new classrooms as well as a new room for the teachers.

 Changer une vie, un enfant, un village, l’un après l’autre, fait une différence dans ce monde.

Notre école est en croissance - 150 élèves maintenant


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