


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
There are many ways to get a container of humanitarian aid into Africa, but to find the simplest, safest and fastest way is not easy. Here is a little idea of what we have to do to see a project like this through. First we spent several months in Germany to collect the aid and find sponsorship for this big project. Thank you so much for all your help and support, big and small - every little bit goes a long way here! Thank you all, who brought your goods to our local storages, and especially to our faithful helpers in Herrenberg and Rosenheim who loaded and transported it all to Erfurt. There Daniela and Lisa were an indispensable help with sorting and packing it into literally tons of banana boxes. When we finally had our packing list ready, I returned to Cameroon with Lisa who wanted to come along…


How can we help the blind, deaf, dumb and handicapped to support themselves in this country? This new challenge faced us when a Handicapped Association from Yaounde asked us for help recently. Besides clothing and wheelchairs etc they asked if we could try to possibly bring some tools and machines for shoe- and key-maker. My oldest brother promptly offered to help us in this matter and contacted the Federal Shoemaker Association and “Mister Minit Germany”. Both want to help us in this matter, and we hope that we can help lots of the most needy here in this way, not just with a “fish”, but teaching them “how to fish” – helping them to help themselves. There are unfortunately a lot of handicapped in Cameroon. We were told, it´s about 10% of the population, since until 10 years ago there was a lot of polio and still today they have…


We hope you are well and we wish you a nice and warm springtime. Here in Douala - the commercial capital and biggest city in Cameroon, with over two million people, it’s hot and humid! It has been a long time plan for us to open up a base in this exciting new field and now our dream has become a reality. While the majority of the photos in this letter show the last distribution of maize in Zambia, we wanted to share with you the amazing things the Lord did for us in a place where we didn't know anybody. After only a few weeks, the Lord helped us to find a completely furnished apartment with relatively good security. A real miracle and special blessing, since we only arrived with and live out of our suitcases. In a short time, He has opened so many doors for us, that…


Přehledy roku

  Na okraji prašné cesty stojí občas malé stánky, kde se prodávají sušené ryby a někdy trocha zeleniny a ovoce.

Mushapo – portrét vesnice


Pokud se chcete přihlásit k odběru našeho zpravodaje, pošlete nám prosím zprávu.


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