



Aktive Direkt Hilfe e. V.
Am Lerchenbuck 23
79379 Müllheim

Telephone: +49(0) 7631 / 9313986
E-mail: contact form || info[at]aktivedirekthilfe.de
Web: www.aktivedirekthilfe.de

Executive Board:
Jens Ottinger, Wolfgang Schmidt, Melanie Ottinger (Treasurer)

Register of Associations:
District Court Recklinghausen

Registration number: 
VR 2145

Bank account:
IBAN: DE92 4401 0046 0298 0004 61
Postbank Dortmund

Tax number:
12180/01416 (Tax office Müllheim)

Responsible for content according to § 55 RstV Abs. 2::
Jens Ottinger

Coordination, design and technical arrangement:

The website was commissioned by and in direct collaboration with Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V designed and realized by

Design, content, images:
Jens Ottinger

Technical arrangement and programming:
Andrej Berg, www.steadyink.de

Jos Voorn, Ernst Wörrle, Patrick Knebl & Michael Singer

The imprint is based on German law.

adh impressum climber
 ADH has the providing of a good school education as its central goal!

Our objective – to provide education


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