The following principle applies to your donation: Any donation helps! No matter what form you choose! Whether you prefer to help with regular financial support for our work or with a one-time donation, be it big or small. Or whether you'd like to support our project with a general or specific donation: You're donation accomplishes something good and makes an important contribution toward a better future for the children in Mushapo (Congo DRC).
General donations
More information about donating
General donations:
From School construction and transport to support for single emergencies:
With a general donation you leave the decision up to us as how to use your gift. This way you support our entire work in the Congo. With general donations we can respond better and faster to local needy situations and emergencies. Moreover, we can reduce the administrative costs significantly.
Therefore trust us with the decision to use your donations meaningfully and responsibly by donating generally.
Transparency:Every year we give in the form of annual reports a detailed account of the use of your donations. Besides that, you can always find a detailed report of the current progress of our project in the regular project updates. You can also sign up for our newsletters by email so you can stay up to date.
Questions about donations:
Do you have any questions about your donation? Do not hesitate to contact us. We're here to help.

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Administrative overhead:
Since all members of ADH and their helpers are volunteers, we have very low administrative costs. So we can guarantee that the vast majority of the donations directly benefit our projects.
Donation receipt:
To make your donation valid for tax purposes, we will be happy to send you a donation receipt. (Please note that for that we need additional information from you!)
Donations in kind:
Unfortunately, as a rule, we need to forgo donations in kind due to high transport and import costs.Thank you for your understanding. If you believe that your donation in kind is profitable and makes our work even more valuable, then please tell us about it.
Helping as a company:
Social responsibility for the company culture is increasingly becoming more important. Would you like to support us as a company? Do you need any suggestions as to how your help might look like? Do not hesitate to contact us. Together with you we can make a specific package that fits and is tuned to your needs as a company.
Questions about your donation:
Were we not able to answer your question? Do not hesitate to contact us. We're happy to help you.

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