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Qu'y a-t-il d'autre à signaler en rapport avec le travail d'ADH? Les innovations sur divers sujets relatifs aux activités de l'association, son soutien et les changements de la situation générale sur le terrain sont résumés dans cette catégorie.

Avr 2019

Évaluation de l'avancement du projet à Mabala

En mars / avril, Wolfgang était au Congo et a visité notre «lycée technique agro-vétérinaire ITAV ADH Mabala» pour examiner le projet et encourager nos enseignants et étudiants. Il a également donné des ballons de football et des maillots aux étudiants. Il s'est ensuite rendu à Lebama, à 40 km au sud de Mabala, et a rencontré les agriculteurs qui, il y a quelque temps, ont reçu 500 kg de semences de maïs de notre part pour le projet de multiplication du maïs.
Évaluation de l'avancement du projet à Mabala
Mar 2019

Remerciements personnels aux représentants de l'ambassade allemande pour la subvention accordée pour les coûts de construction

Un an et demi seulement après avoir pris les premières mesures concrètes pour le projet scolaire, nous pouvions déjà commencer la première année scolaire en septembre 2018 dans notre "école agro-vétérinaire ITAV ADH Mabala". L'achèvement des bâtiments et l'ouverture de l'école se sont déroulés si rapidement parce que l'ambassade allemande au Congo avait couvert une grande partie des coûts de construction de l'école. Nous sommes très reconnaissants à l'ambassade d'Allemagne pour cette subvention destinée à couvrir les coûts de construction et nous souhaitons exprimer nos remerciements personnels au nom des bénéficiaires du projet de construction d'école à Mabala et de l'association "Aktive Direkt Hilfe e. V.". Pendant son séjour à Kinshasa, Wolfgang a organisé une rencontre avec Mme Roth, responsable des micro-projets au sein du service de l'ambassade d'Allemagne, et l'ambassadeur d'Allemagne Thomas Terstegen, qui a finalement approuvé la subvention. À cette occasion, la photo ci-contre a également été prise dans les locaux de l'ambassade d'Allemagne à Kinshasa.
Remerciements personnels aux représentants de l'ambassade allemande pour la subvention accordée pour les coûts de construction
Sep 2018

Acheminement réussi par voie maritime d’un container alimentaire pour le Congo & distribution dans des orphelinats de Kinshasa.

Autres bonnes nouvelles : Lenka avait rencontré, il y quelque temps à Prague, le Pasteur Daniel, membre de l’organisation « Feed the Hungry ». Celui-ci organisa l’envoi pour le Congo, par l’organisation mère aux USA, d’un container de 40 pieds contenant des repas supplémentés à base de riz, les « Manna Packs ». Nous devions parvenir à faire entrer ce container au Congo en franchise douanière, ce qui n’est pas tâche aisée. Après plusieurs mois, il fut possible de faire acheminer le container grâce à l’organisation « Scripture Union » à Kinshasa, partenaire de longue date d’ADH, sans payer de taxes d’importation. La branche de « Feed the Hungry » en Tchéquie paya pour la nourriture ainsi que 9 000 $ de frais de prise en charge, de taxes portuaires ainsi que le pour transport à l’intérieur du Congo. La nourriture fut distribuée à des personnes dans le besoin à Kinshasa, dont l’orphelinat COLK ainsi qu’à environ 500 orphelins à Kimbondo, où Madlen s’investit sans compter.
Galerie photos
Woman is distributing food to childrenLes orphelins de Kimbondo se réjouissent de leur « Manna Packs »
Acheminement réussi par voie maritime d’un container alimentaire pour le Congo & distribution dans des orphelinats de Kinshasa.
Avr 2018

Lecture in School Near Prague Under the TEDx Program

In Prague, Wolfgang participated in an event of the Open Gate School under the TEDx program. (See last speaker on the event website of TEDx). He gave a speech about our work in Congo based on his soon-to-be-completed book and outlined what he believes could bring about the necessary changes in Congo and other parts of the world. You can find the complete TED Talk here as video on YouTube.
Lecture in School Near Prague Under the TEDx Program
Avr 2018

Presentation of our work in primary school Gerbach

After his time in Congo, Wolfgang visited the Gerbach elementary school in Germany and showed the pupils our last video. These children are faithfully supporting our project since many years through their quarterly “Students Café”, with the support of their parents and teachers. It is always a pleasure to show them our appreciation and give them more insight into what they are supporting.
Presentation of our work in primary school Gerbach
Aoû 2017

ADH trip through Europe

Wolfgang travelled two months in Germany, the last month together with Lenka and Anissa – to visit friends and supporters and for the annual meeting of our association. At the end of July, we had again an interview with Christopher Griebel from the Munich TV. (Interview with Munich TV, L-R: cameraman Kian Vaziri-Elahi; reporter Christopher Griebel; Wolfgang; Dr. Maria Teusch, our supporter and dentist; Anissa and Lenka) All together it was an inspiring and fruitful trip meeting new contacts and connecting deeper with our friends.
ADH trip through Europe
Juil 2017

Ongoing Fights in Kasai

The situation in Kasai, the province where our school in Mushapo is located, continues to be overshadowed by terrible reports. It is difficult to describe the exact facts and background of this humanitarian catastrophe, but the following can be said from various newspaper articles (i.e. on Google: “Who’s in Congo’s Mass Graves?”) and from personal reports of our friends and some Congo experts: • Over 1 million people from the province of Kasai have fled, to Angola, into neighboring provinces in Congo etc. • Brutal massacres have been reported by eyewitnesses in some villages. So far 80 mass graves have been found. More than 3,000 people have been killed as a direct result of this conflict. But in this recent article the UN reports: “The actual number of murders is probably much higher than the official figures…” • The terrifying approach of the armed people resembles the one in the East of Congo, with the aim of dispersing the population in order to exploit the resources more easily. Kasai is known for its many diamonds. In view of this situation, we can only hope and pray that more international attention will move the government towards finding a peaceful solution. Until then, not only are our and the other schools and health centers in the region brought to a halt, but innocent people will continue to die and are driven away. Instead of letting ourselves be discouraged from helping other needy people, we are thankful for what has been achieved so far: • Since the beginning of our project in 2011, nearly 2000 pupils have attended our school. They will not forget how someone from abroad built them a school, set it up and made it possible for them to receive free schooling, while now their own country men drove them out. • The children will be able to continue to receive further schooling in their new places of refuge. • Our teachers keep receiving salaries from the government in spite of the fighting. • Through this project, our team has gained important experience on how to build development work in the rural areas of Congo, where the need is the biggest. These experiences can help us and others with similar projects.
Ongoing Fights in Kasai
Mai 2017

Ongoing Riots in the region of Mushapo (West-Kasai)

The situation in the Kasai provinces, where our school is situated, has changed a lot. In this formerly peaceful region, late last year fighting erupted between the followers of Chief Kamuina Nsapu and government forces, causing hundreds of lives on both sides. The unrest spread from one area to others which made it unsafe for Wolfgang and Jean to travel to Mushapo. Even two white UN experts were kidnapped and killed there recently. In the meantime, several militia groups attacked cities and villages in the different Kasai provinces. In the middle of April, Tshokwe tribesmen from the village Mungamba chased away all none-Tshokwe people from Mushapo and the surrounding villages. This included our school director Pierre and 8 out of 10 teachers who had to take refuge in Tshikapa, the capital of this province. The attackers wounded our teacher Mukendi in his arm with a machete. These bandits also looted what they could take with them. Thankfully, 13 new mattresses of our health center, the photo-copy machine of our school and the generator of our camp were saved. A government office opened in Tshikapa, where people can file complaint about the materials which they lost in the lootings. Gilbert contacted the former Minister of Education, Mr. Maker, who told him that we should not be discouraged as he believes that things will slowly calm down in the area. We have to wait for peace in the region before our teachers can return to Mushapo.
Ongoing Riots in the region of Mushapo (West-Kasai)

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Bâtiment scolaire pour Mushapo


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