



Un projet agricole est connecté au projet d’école de l’ADH pour une orientation durable. Le revenu de la culture agricole contribuera à long terme à financer les activités de l'école. Une superficie totale de 10 hectares est actuellement cultivée avec des produits agricoles principalement locaux qui sont vendus sur les marchés locaux. Ainsi une région est approvisionnée et de nouveaux emplois importants sont crées. En outre, le projet agricole offre de nombreuses possibilités de faire participer la communauté dans le projet de l'école et de lui en faire prendre la responsabilité personnelle. La culture agricole professionnelle peut également servir à une future orientation de l'enseignement pratique.

Oct 2016

Theft: a well-kown problem

Our school director Pierre reported that basically all the fruits from the land of SADR farm, which belong to us, were stolen, even before they were ripe. Also the pineapples which are growing on our school ground disappeared. It looks like hunger makes people desperate. We will keep looking into a solution to protect these fruits better in the future. Our teacher, Mr. Urban, is an agronomist who was working on the SADR farm. Since Jean left Mushapo, Mr. Urban is teaching the students agronomy. (Picture: school director Pierre in his office)
Theft: a well-kown problem
Jan 2016

Our agricultural project in Mushapo: review of the year

The land around the new school buildings towards the North, which was overgrown with tall elephant grass and bushes, got cleared to prepare it for a new agricultural project easier to guard in the close proximity to the school. One hectare of pineapples are planted and the first fruits have already been harvested – a big joy and encouragement for all. Besides the blessing of yielding needed food products for the hungry people there, this project is a great hands-on training ground for the older students as our secondary school emphasizes on teaching agriculture, something that can help the students to learn a profession which can feed them throughout their lives.
Our agricultural project in Mushapo: review of the year
Mar 2015

At first: cultivation of pineapple

The new farming project has been launched. The new field was prepared for cultivation of pineapples previous month. It was hard to find new shoots in the area, because the old pineapple field was again destroyed by a bushfire. But Jean was able to organize shoots and so they were immediately planted. We are also planning to raise a solid “wall” of fruit trees in front the school building. Once these trees have grown, they are intended to break the strong north winds and as a consequence protect our new school buildings from storm damages.
At first: cultivation of pineapple
Déc 2014

Agriculture - a new start

With our school we established in Mushapo a technical training center focused on agriculture. However, so far the integrated agricultural project did not generate the expected income to help finance the school. Still, it make sense to us, at least for pedagogical reasons, to have another go at it. Theft was one of the main reasons why the harvests of recent years were only moderate. To get a better handle on this problem, we decided to relocate the agricultural project. From now on, cultivation will take place on the, up till now, virgin grounds on our own area directly adjacent to the campus terrain. We hope that the new fields will be better protected in the presence of the school, with the teachers and students taking care of them. On the 10-hectare land area we want to grow again cassava and pineapple. To prepare the land for cultivation, the area which is overgrown by high elephant grass, bushes and small trees, is first cleared. The now better protected acreage, together with the input by Ing. Jean, an expert agronomist with many years of training and experience, also abroad, will provide the best conditions for the success of the new agricultural project.
Agriculture - a new start
Jui 2014

Le moment est venue - le temps des récoltes

Le premier manioc est maintenant mûr et le champ de 5 hectares sera récolté. Pour laver le manioc et le tremper nous utilisons d’anciens réservoirs d'eau que Jos a coupés en deux. Pour mieux protéger la récolte, nous avons engagé plus de gardes car il y a eu encore une fois un vol de notre manioc. Le vol est un problème difficile, surtout lorsque les gens ont faim, mais nous espérons qu'ils commencent à comprendre que le revenu des récoltes est nécessaire pour la la scolarisation des enfants à Mushapo./p>
Le moment est venue - le temps des récoltes
Jui 2014

Our Manioc Harvest – the Result

The manioc harvest last month in Mushapo went very well under the supervision of our responsible manager Jean. The manioc was collected, peeled, placed for 3 days in water to remove the acid, dried and then packaged for sale in large 80 kilo sacks. Unfortunately, even with this crop of manioc some was stolen and sold in Mushapo below the usual price, so we were forced to sell our cassava in Tshikapa. Through the transport costs for the bike transporters was the income from the harvest this year of course lower than we had originally hoped.
Our Manioc Harvest – the Result
Mar 2014

Des nouvelles du champ de manioc

Jean, le directeur de la ferme, nous a conseillé d’attendre le mois prochain avant de commencer la récolte du manioc sur les 5 hectares, plantés il y a plus d'un an. Ainsi, le rendement des cultures peut être légèrement augmenté. Le champ plus récent de 4 hectares de manioc sera désherbé ce mois-ci pour que la culture ne soit pas compromise. Nous avons eu un nouveau revers avec la plantation d'ananas, pour lequel nous devons trouver une solution à l'avenir de toute urgence. Le champ de 1,5 hectares avec des milliers de jeunes plants d’ananas avait brûlée, donc nous avons perdu la totalité de la récolte.
Des nouvelles du champ de manioc
Jan 2014

Des moutons ont été retrouvés morts

Jos est allé à Mushapo pour vérifier que tout allait bien. Il apporte de la nourriture et de l'eau potable et d'autres matériaux nécessaires pour notre projet. Un matin on nous transmet ce message négatif: 3 de nos moutons ont été retrouvés morts. C'est un revers rugueux pour nous, car nous ne connaissons même pas le responsable. L'autopsie pratiquée par les membres du Comité a montré que les moutons avaient mangé des sacs en plastique barbouillés de l'huile de palme et de sel.
Des moutons ont été retrouvés morts

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