

Our Objective

An early focus on the sustainability of a development projects is critical for the long-term success!

The key is cooperation

Our projects aim for the long-term continuance of positive changes. To achieve this, an early involvement of the local population is especially crucial. Positive awareness of the project can only develop through gradual acquisition of responsibility by the local population. With their acceptance rises and falls the long-term success of the project. For only as long as the majority of the population accepts the school as their own, for which they then must assume joint responsibility, can the project be continued in the long term sense of ADH - even when we eventually slowly withdraw and concern ourselves with other projects.

Independence through participation

In order to achieve early transfer of the responsibility, we have set up a committee consisting of the most important and competent local representatives. For example, the committee at our project in Mushapo consists of the two chiefs (village heads), the local manager of ADH, the school director and a representative of the parents. The main task of the committee is to oversee and smoothen out adjustments for the entire project. Also, it allows us to work directly with the local population and respect the traditional tribal culture.

Sustained financing through agriculture

To sustain school services our school project is coupled with an agricultural project. This parallel operation of agriculture should contribute to long-term funding for school operations. Besides the financial aspect, the agricultural project also includes a sustenance aspect. Through the systematic cultivation of essential foods, the basic needs for the direct surroundings can be met. In addition, specific training opportunities are offered, for both adults and children, around the professional agriculture. A positive side effect of educational and agricultural projects is the creation of new jobs for the local population.

[1] UN - Human Development Index (2013)

Image Gallery
Meeting of the parents.Meeting of the committee.Growing pineapple.Pineapple bycicle transporter.Official registration of our school.Growing manioc field.Planting seeds.

 ADH tries to counter the progressive urbanization in the Congo!

Our objective – to counter urbanization


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