
Campaigns of our supporters

Benefit Concert for Africa

By Věra Tichá:

Choir "Our Singers" organized in Prague in the “Church of St. Martin in the Wall” already 4th Concert for Africa. It´s a benefit concert full of beautiful European and African music. Once again we shared the program with the Czech-African vocal group “Nsango Malamu”. The last joint African song at the end of the concert is always such an imaginary connecting of our two so different continents.

At the very beginning of this tradition was a beautiful… coincidence? As it happens, the world is small, people talk ... Nadia, a former member of “Our Singers”, has a sister in law - Lenka, who along with her husband, Wolfgang work in a volunteer organization called Aktive Direkt Hilfe. I don´t believe in coincidences. One of the hymns in our evangelical songbook says: ”Lord, make me an instrument of Your your peace”. I believe that our concerts - that we performers and our audience - are those instruments. Thus we may - with our feeble contribution - help those who really need our help - African children on the way to education.

We wish to Mushapo success - in school, that the children visit for a long time already, but also on the farm, where local people learn to independently manage to be self-sufficient. And to Lenka and Wolfgang Schmidt we wish good health, strength and vigor for their hard work.

“Our Singers” is the name of the mixed choir from the Czech Republic, which has been active since 1986 at the parish church of the Evangelical Church in Prague 6 - Dejvice under the choirmaster Lydia Hartelová. The choir has steadily 45-50 members. Nsango Malamu (in the Lingala language, "Good News") is a Czech-African vocal group based in Prague, playing African religious music and traditional folk songs from the Congo and Angola. It consists of members from these countries and from the Czech Republic. The band's songs are sang in the Lingala language, in Kikongo and Swahili. For many years, the two choirs are interconnected through some of their members.

 With your donation you can do something good and make an important contribution to a better future for the children in Mushapo.



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