
When you don't feel like celebrating texts by Marie Alvero, Maria Fontaine and an unknown author When you don't feel like celebrating What if Christmas is here and you're just not in the mood? You might be worried about the future, feeling sad, or have gone through a great loss? It should be the happiest time of the year, but you just don't feel like it. ... It's okay. You don't have to try to fix your pain, sadness or loss quickly, you can't anyway. I don't think even the shepherds watching the sheep on that first Christmas felt anything special, it was just another ordinary cold night in Bethlehem. Their town was crowded with visitors who were there for the census, which just reminded them of Roman rule. Nothing looked particularly hopeful. Suddenly, angels filled the sky with the message that there was no need to worry; the Savior…

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Wolfgang P. Schmidt One man says the new 5G mobile data transmission speed is terrible for your health; another says it is better for it. One is for the ruling party; another is for the opposition. One is all for the vaccine and wants everyone to have it; another is against it and wants to keep freedom of choice. One likes to see manger scenes in public places; the European Commission tries to cancel Christmas. Both sides are convinced that they are right. What are we going to do with these discrepancies, how do we react to one and then the other? How can we reconcile, avoid arguing, getting upset? How can we bring peace and unity in the midst of such diversity? I have noticed that in countries with more democracy and freedom of expressing opinions, the divide amongst its citizens can go to the point of getting aggressive…

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Wolfgang Schmidt: The other night I had one of those “chasing” dreams, where one runs away from an opponent, trying hard not to get caught. In this case, I had to flee from two people. I got away, but when I woke up, my heart was racing. Then I asked God for the meaning of this dream and He showed me the futility of such chases and races. Why do we do that instead of living a peaceful life? I realized how we are raised, trained and surrounded by that kind of a mindset, basically from the cradle to the grave. We are trained to be the best, the fastest, the “Number One”. Think about games, from Monopoly to other board games, to computer games. Don’t most of them teach us to try to win, to beat the other participants of the game? We see each other as competitors instead…

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