


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
The big increase in the number of students who want to go to our school was quite unexpected. It really shouldn’t have been such a surprise when you consider that our school has more spacious classrooms than the schools in the other villages, the students learn French from the first grade and the school is free of charge, something you don’t find elsewhere in Congo. All this is made possible only thanks to our sponsors and supporters. Thank you for all your help! You have an integral part in this project. On our yearly trip through Germany in summer visiting our friends and supporters we met Jos who spent 7 months in the bush overseeing our school project there. Together we were able to participate in our 4th interview with “München TV”. Also we have finished our latest video about our project in Mushapo. We also had the opportunity to…


The most rewarding moment of my recent visit to Mushapo was when I stood in front of the school one morning and all the children who attend our school free of charge were singing for us with their whole hearts some beautiful songs which Blandine taught them, as a sign of their appreciation. This one moment was worth all the troubles we had the last two years working on this project. And look at those parents (right), how proud they are standing behind their kids holding up their first report cards! After finishing the construction of the first school building made with bricks we are producing more bricks for the second building. Besides the construction work, one other important target is to get the school to stand on its own feet in the long run. Jos and I had several meetings with Jean, our manager of the farm, and we…


Within the last six months, we have had many ups and downs in our Congo project; a very intense time! Some of the ups were our third interview with Munich TV and the posting of a new video about our work in Mushapo on YouTube. On the down side, however, we received news that after the foundation of our school building was done, the farm closed due to all their troubles. It looked as though we would be unable to continue our project as they took everything away. There was no more electricity, water, internet, bed, table or chair. We were left alone in the bush and had to find solutions. Thank God for the miraculous and unexpected support of our dear friends, which encouraged us to continue without the farm’s help. Jean, the former foreman on the farm, was willing to work with us for half of his former…


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Our Annual reports

 Child labor is a great obstacle for a lasting and meaningful education.

Our objective – to provide education


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