


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Imagine you are flying to Congo and don't know where your home, office etc will be, and your future landlord is sitting in the same plane as you! Coincidence? Not in the Lord's work! Well, that's exactly what happened to us: As we met Meir who was just yesterday with us on the plane the next day "by chance" again in the middle of Kinshasa, we introduced ourselves and explained to him that we were looking for a house for our mission station here. He responded with a smile, saying that he did have an empty house but it was not usable since it was looted in 1991. That means all toilets, sinks, tabs, light switches, plugs, even the wires are all gone! No more window glass, mosquito nets, inside doors etc! Maybe some of you still remember, when we arrived the first time in Kinshasa in 2003 we got…


Since we left South Africa, we have been very busy visiting relatives, friends and supporters, forming a new team and raising funds for the different projects in Congo as well as for our new mission station. Here are a few details about each of our projects: Sponsorship of Orphans In order to help the malnourished orphans in the SABEC Center in Kinshasa, Congo DRC, we started a sponsorship program. Together with one of our faithful supporters we calculated that 10 Euros per child per month would be sufficient to give that child one nutritious hot meal every day (30 meals a month) and thus a better chance to survive as food is their biggest need at the moment. We would appreciate it very much if you could participate in this most urgent project as well as share this vision with as many people as possible since 10 Euros is not…


Thanks to your prayers and support the Lord helped us to change the lives of 98 orphans in one of the poorest parts of Kinshasa. Here is a little inside into the life of these orphans: when their parents die (AIDS, malaria etc) the children are often sent to their relatives in the city who are barely surviving themselves and hardly have enough money to feed their own children. We were told that 80 % of the population in Congo lives on 1 US $ or less per day and most food prices there are higher than i.e. in Germany because most items are imported. Those people have basically no funds for health care, much less schooling. After we left Kinshasa in December 2004 the situation slowly got so bad that in one year 50 orphans died because SABEC didn’t have enough resources to care for them. In general if…


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Our Annual reports

 Sometimes the biggest obstacle to school attendance is the great poverty of the parents. They have so little money that they often cannot pay the school fees. Therefore, our school in Mushapo is for free.

Our objective – to provide education


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