


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
dub 2002

New Goal - Cameroon!

We hope you are well and we wish you a nice and warm springtime. Here in Douala - the commercial capital and biggest city in Cameroon, with over two million people, it’s hot and humid! It has been a long time plan for us to open up a base in this exciting new field and now our dream has become a reality.

While the majority of the photos in this letter show the last distribution of maize in Zambia, we wanted to share with you the amazing things the Lord did for us in a place where we didn't know anybody. After only a few weeks, the Lord helped us to find a completely furnished apartment with relatively good security. A real miracle and special blessing, since we only arrived with and live out of our suitcases. In a short time, He has opened so many doors for us, that we can only thank Him and the openness of the people here. Of course we also have to take plenty of precautions in our daily activities like watching out for Malaria, our security, boiling and filtering the drinking water etc. But that's life in this part of the world.

We were also able to make our first important contacts in Yaounde, the Capital. Since we're planning to prepare another big container of humanitarian aid in the summer in Germany, we need to find the right way to import it tax-free. Through another miracle the Lord opened the door to meet the Minister for Social Affairs, Mme Dr. Fouda, and she was inspired about our plans. She wants to be personally involved in getting the container through customs free of charge. It's the first time she's doing something like this in her five years in office!

We've also done extensive research into where our direct help is needed the most. As usual there is a huge gap between the rich upper class and the extremely poor, i.e. in the Southeast, where the people live like thousands of years ago without streets, electricity or clothes in the jungle in the poorest conditions.

It’s exciting to see so many possibilities to help here. Through the humanitarian aid we are trying to raise the livingconditions of the poor, but also plan programs to teach them to help themselves. Somebody has asked us to train the workers in an orphanage and get them more motivated in their work. We'd also like to buy food from poor farmers who can't market their products for lack of infrastructure and then distribute it to those who can't help themselves, like the handicapped, old aged, orphans etc., i.e. in the far North, where they can't grow enough food because of drought. And of course we are distributing God's Word wherever we go, as there is a great vacuum for it here like all over Africa.

Cameroon is surrounded by some of the poorest countries in Africa such as the Chad and Central African Republic. Although our goal is to help first in this country, we would also like to help the needy in the neighbouring countries in the future.

We'll do whatever we can to alleviate the plight of the poor and need your continued support, without which we cannot reach our goal. Thank you for all your help, which makes you an important part of our mission here. May God bless you in your work and your private lives!

Sara with a happy mother who just received maize (25 kg) and the orpans she is taking care of.Lenka teaching a Bible class to students of a big Boarding school in the Petauke City.The Minister of Social Affairs of Cameroon, Mme Dr. Fouda inbetween Lenka and Wolfgang.Wolfgang helping to unload maize for our distribution in the village Museke, East Zambia.

Přehledy roku

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