


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
říj 2006

Sponsorship for Orphans and Other Programs

Since we left South Africa, we have been very busy visiting relatives, friends and supporters, forming a new team and raising funds for the different projects in Congo as well as for our new mission station. Here are a few details about each of our projects:  

Sponsorship of Orphans    
In order to help the malnourished orphans in the SABEC Center in Kinshasa, Congo DRC, we started a sponsorship program. Together with one of our faithful supporters we calculated that 10 Euros per child per month would be sufficient to give that child one nutritious hot meal every day (30 meals a month) and thus a better chance to survive as food is their biggest need at the moment. We would appreciate it very much if you could participate in this most urgent project as well as share this vision with as many people as possible since 10 Euros is not much here, yet there it could save a child's life!  Anyone who would like to sponsor a child will receive the childs picture and we will try our best to enable you to build a personal relationship between you and the children. If you are interested please specify with your standing order (monthly 10 Euro or yearly 120 Euro) "Sponsorship SABEC" and if you have any further questions please phone or write/email us (bank details etc, see letterhead above). Please help us reach our goal of finding sponsors for all 96 orphans by the time we go back to Congo. Thank you so much!

Agricultural Project                                                
At the same time we are looking for people and companies who want to support this big project as it helps the SABEC Orphan Center to do something themselves to help the children. So far only a small part of the two hectares land is being used because our means are limited. As you can see on the photos, Pastor Theophile and members of SABEC work on the different crops in our absence. They had their first harvest and started now with the second planting season as was planned when we were there a few months ago. There is a big need for more seeds, equipment and a little house for somebody to guard the field and goods, as well as for a pond to breed fish, raise chicken, and goats,  etc. There are so many possibilities - we are just limited by the means we have available.  

Car for Congo
To be more efficient in helping the orphans and in our agricultural project we need a good reliable vehicle as it's very difficult to find someone who can drive us there every time we need to go to the outskirts of Kinshasa.

Bibles Studies and spreading the Gospel
We believe that the only way to really change this world is changing the hearts and minds of people. Besides the urgent physical need there is a great spiritual hunger in Congo. People who are in such a desperately needy situation want and need encouragement, vision and motivation and it is our desire to give it to them. They are so precious and thankful for any input along that line. We heard from Alain and Pastor Theophile that the Bible study continues to go well and that they are all eagerly awaiting our arrival.

Our personal support
When we explain to people that we work as fulltime volunteers, sometimes they ask where our personal support comes from. Over the years the Lord helped us to build a circle of friends, relatives and supporters who like to support us personally. We are very thankful for all those who help us along those lines especially now as we plan to open up a new mission station in Kinshasa. Another important point is that we live together as a team in one household and share all expenses, which saves a lot of finances and keeps our budget very low. Thanks for all your help - we sure couldn't do the job without you!

So, whichever part of our work you want to support, we are very thankful for your help, big or small. We know that God will bless you for it as we have found true in the lives of those who are helping our work and as He promised in His Word: "There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" (Pro 11:24, 25). Please join us in prayer for this wonderful but broken war-torn country and for our soon return there so that we can continue to help these precious and needy people.

Lelo, 7 years old.Ituambela Mora, 8 years old.Theophile, Florence and other members of SABEC, very happy with their first harvest of tomatoes.kiddo.jpgTschibondo Shada, 9 years old.dscn3681.jpgNguala Ngoma, 5 years old.Umba Mabiala, 7 years old.Mashiya Kim, 7 years old.Nzinga Mabinda, 13 years old.Binda, 9 years old.Lendo Mabiala, 13 years old.Kukambu Malonda, 10 years old.Pastor Theophile and helpers working on our field: Planting vegetables: Watering the field.Tita Clement, 8 years old.Mananga Asa, 8 years old.dscn3707.jpgJohn Muela, 6 years old.Pastor Theophile and helpers working on our field: Planting vegetables.kiddo1.jpgKimia Flora, 12 years old

Přehledy roku

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