


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
Since we left South Africa, we have been very busy visiting relatives, friends and supporters, forming a new team and raising funds for the different projects in Congo as well as for our new mission station. Here are a few details about each of our projects: Sponsorship of Orphans In order to help the malnourished orphans in the SABEC Center in Kinshasa, Congo DRC, we started a sponsorship program. Together with one of our faithful supporters we calculated that 10 Euros per child per month would be sufficient to give that child one nutritious hot meal every day (30 meals a month) and thus a better chance to survive as food is their biggest need at the moment. We would appreciate it very much if you could participate in this most urgent project as well as share this vision with as many people as possible since 10 Euros is not…


Thanks to your prayers and support the Lord helped us to change the lives of 98 orphans in one of the poorest parts of Kinshasa. Here is a little inside into the life of these orphans: when their parents die (AIDS, malaria etc) the children are often sent to their relatives in the city who are barely surviving themselves and hardly have enough money to feed their own children. We were told that 80 % of the population in Congo lives on 1 US $ or less per day and most food prices there are higher than i.e. in Germany because most items are imported. Those people have basically no funds for health care, much less schooling. After we left Kinshasa in December 2004 the situation slowly got so bad that in one year 50 orphans died because SABEC didn’t have enough resources to care for them. In general if…


What all goes into a visit to the Congo, DRC? Certainly more than would be expected! In order to accomplish more we were looking for a 4-man team, including French speakers since we are still learning the language. Angela came all the way from Germany to join us for this special occasion as well as Esther, one of our co-workers from the Cape Town area. Then we needed more financing to be a bigger help to the great need in the Congo. One of our faithful friends in Europe got his business partners in South Africa to meet us. They were touched by our project and together gave us a very generous donation and are sponsoring our tickets. With their help we can get so much more done there. God bless them as well as all of you who are helping us in this project and we know He will…


Přehledy roku

  ADH se snaží působit proti postupné urbanizaci v Kongu.

Náš cíl - odurbanizace


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Chci pomoci

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Pomoci ADH